Creative Energy Interactive Video / Website

Writing and script development for an interactive corporate video and new website. 

Project details

Interactive content to let the audience dive deeper

After the video script was approved, the team worked with Helios Design Labs to bring the interactive content to life. Helios animated the renowned A Short History of the High-rise, which was the inspiration for the CE video approach in terms of the use of chapters with additional content so viewers can drill down to explore more content. The video opposite shows how it worked. The chapters content is below (click on an image and zoom in.) I wrote the company website, as well as the interactive video, which was on the home page for launch.

Promoting cleaner cities as a way to combat climate change

Creative Energy Canada is a new renewable energy utility company offering a district (or community) energy solution to cities, starting with Vancouver. I was initially hired to write a vision document, interviewing the CEO to help clarify the company’s aims, ethos and key messages. From that, I wrote and helped to storyboard a video script to both introduce the company and tell the story of how cities can be the answer to a cleaner world. I also wrote interactive content that expands on the themes introduced in the five-chapter video. The video opposite is the long version without the interactive content.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5